Evaluation of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) Pilot Project on Reducing Emissions from Vehicles and Engines (PPRE)

July 2011

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Annex 3 Interviewees and Interview Guides



1 Senior manager from Environment Canada
2 Staff from Environment Canada (HQ)
3 Staff from Environment Canada (Ontario Region)

External – Other Government Department:

1 Staff from NRCan

External – Partners/NGOs:

1 Manager from FCM
1 Staff from FCM
1 Staff from CAP
1 Staff from MSC

Interview Guides

Letter of Introduction

February XX, 2011
Key Informant
Evaluation of the Pilot Project on reducing emissions from vehicles and engines

Environment Canada (EC) is currently conducting an independent evaluation of the Pilot Project to reduce emissions from vehicles and engines (PPRE). You should have already received an email from program staff in EC requesting your participation in this study; along with a call from the Evaluation Team to schedule this interview. I am writing to confirm your scheduled interview for February xx, 2011 at xx am/pm. We very much appreciate your valuable contribution to this research.

The planned interview, to be conducted by a consultant from Stratos, will take around one hour and the information you provide will not be directly attributed to you, rather your input and candid response will help inform our evaluation by contributing to our formulation of conclusions and recommendations. Interviews can be conducted in either English or French according to your preference, and you will have the option to answer questions you are most comfortable with. If your schedule has changed or you are not available, we would appreciate if you could suggest another time that is more convenient or nominate another individual who could participate in this evaluation in your place.

Attached, you will find a series of questions that will serve as the basis for the scheduled interview.

If you have any comments or concerns, please feel free to contact Nicola Scahill, Transportation Division, Environment Canada, 819-997-9284 (nicola.scahill@ec.gc.ca), or Michael Gullo, Project Manager, Stratos, 613-241-1001x231 (mgullo@stratos-sts.com).

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Interview Guide – Internal


1)  What is your involvement and/or role with the PPRE? (Introduction)

2)  In your opinion, to what extent does the PPRE address an actual need? What ‘environmental need’ or gap did it address and how was this determined? (EQ1)

3)  Does the PPRE address recent/current federal priorities? If so, which ones and to what degree? (EQ2)

4)  How does the PPRE help meet EC’s current strategic outcomes and expected results? If so, which ones and to what degree? (EQ2)

5)  What role/responsibility is there for the Federal Government to:

  1. encourage voluntary reduction of emissions from Canada’s on road heavy duty diesel municipal fleet, and
  2. to work on collaborative technical studies with the US to reduce GHG emissions from on-road fleets in support of future regulatory actions? (EQ3)

6)  Can you identify other similar programs offered by the Government of Canada that compliment or duplicate the objectives or activities of the Pilot projects? (EQ1)

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Project Design, Delivery and Effectiveness

7)  To what extent are the roles and responsibilities clear to all involved parties? (EQ5)

8)  How was the project designed to meet its expected results (e.g. what performance data is collected and reported)? How effective has the program been in achieving its expected results? Can you comment on whether the project did not achieve any of its expected results? (EQ 4 & 5)

9)  What have been the key outputs and results from the projects to-date? (e.g., number and population of municipalities implementing green fleet initiatives, number of technical studies done in collaboration with U.S. EPA, etc.) (EQ9)

10)  How has information been shared with other public fleet operations or other fleets that operate within a municipal context? (EQ7)

11)  What have been the main strengths, weaknesses, and lessons learned in implementing the projects – what worked best, what was critical to success, what were the main challenges? (EQ8)

12)  Do you foresee any potential barriers for expanding this project or replicating it a national scale? (EQ6)

13)  Have there been any unintended outcomes as a result of the pilot (positive or negative)? (EQ10)

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Project Efficiency and Economy

14)  What measures have been implemented to enhance the efficiency of the PPRE (i.e., keep costs as low as possible) (EQ11)?

15)  Do you think that the investments made in the PPRE are a good use of public funds? Why? (EQ11 & 12)

16)  Are there alternative means or models to enhancing efficiency and economy with these kinds of projects? (EQ5 & 11)

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Interview Guide – External


1)  What was your involvement in project #X/Y? (Introduction)

2)  In your opinion, what ‘environment need’ does Project X/Y address? Why was this project necessary? (EQ1)

3)  In your opinion what is the appropriate role for the federal government to play with respect to reducing emissions from vehicles and engines?

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Project Design, Delivery and Effectiveness

4)  What outputs or information has the project provided you with (e.g. technical studies, new information on retrofits, etc.)? Why is this information valuable and has it helped you contribute to other activities or initiatives? (e.g., implementation of green fleet initiatives, school bus retrofits, ongoing contributions to research, etc.) (EQ1, EQ9)

5)  What have been the main strengths, weaknesses, and lessons learned in implementing the projects – what worked best, what was critical to success, what were the main challenges? (EQ8)

6)  Do you foresee any potential barriers for expanding this project or replicating it at a national scale? (EQ6)

7)  Have there been any unintended outcomes as a result of the pilot (positive or negative)? (EQ10)

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Project Efficiency and Economy

8)  Do you think that the investments made in this Pilot Project are a good use of public funds? Why? (EQ11 & 12)

9)  Are there alternative ways to implement projects such as this? What would be the pros and cons of these alternatives? (EQ5 & 11)

10)  Are there more effective or efficient ways to deliver the program, or obtain similar results? (EQ5 & 11)

11)  What would have been the impact if this Pilot Project did not exist? (EQ1)


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